1. Creating Mail Messages. With Outlook it is easy to communicate with others via e-mail. In outlook, you can completely customize your e-mail, automatically add a signature and even send documents along with e-mail. To create a new mail message :-
(a) Click on the File menu, point to New, and click Mail Message.
(b) Enter recipient names in the To:, Cc:, or Bcc: boxes. Separate names with a
semicolon (;).
(c) In the Subject box, type the subject of the message.
(d) In the message body, type the message.
2. Address Book. Address book is a list of names you can select addresses from. You may have only one address book (with the Internet only configuration), three address books (with the Corporate/Workgroup configuration), or some other number of address books, depending on the services installed to handle mail messaging on your computer. The major address books are:-
(a) Global Address Book The Global Address Listcontains the names and e-mail addresses of everyone in your organization. It can also contain global distribution lists and public folder e-mail addresses. Subsets of the Global Address List are displayed in the Address Book when you choose an entry under All Address Lists on the Show names from the list.
(b) Outlook Address Book The automatically contains the entries in your Contacts folder in the Corporate/ Workgroups configuration. It only includes contacts that have an e-mail address or fax number listed.
(c) Contacts In the Internet only configuration, this is your personal address book; it includes all your contacts, whether or not they have an e-mail address of fax number.
3. Creating New E-Mail Address in Address Book. If you are sending an e- mailmessage to some people and think that you may need to write to them again. It’s a good idea to add the addresses to your address book. If you work for a company, many e-mail addresses may already be stored in the global address list. In this section you’ll learn how to add an address to your personal address book :-
(a) Click on Tools, The Tools menu will appear.
(b) Click on Address book, the address book window will appear.
(c) Click on File and then on New Contact. The properties dialog box for the new entrywill open.
(d) Type the person’s first, middle, and last name as you would like it to appear in the address book. The full name will appear in the display text box.
(e) Click on send e-mail using plain text only if you know that the recipient cannot receive messages in other formats.
(f) Click on the other tabsto enter additional information if desired, such as a street address or phone number.
(g) Clickon OK. The address book will reappear.
(h) Clickon the Address book close button. You will return to the inbox.
4. Editing Address Book Entries. When you store your group lists in the personal address book, it is your responsibility to keep them up to date. For example if you have a list with members of a committee, you will need to edit the list as new members join and others leave the committee:-
(a) Clickon the Address book button. The contents of your personal address book will appear in the box below.
(b) Click twice on the groupyou want to edit. The properties dialog box will open.
(c) Click on a Name. The name will be selected.
(d) Clickon the Remove button. The name will be removed from the group list.
(e) Clickon OK. The address book will reappear.
5. Deleting Address Book Entries. You may create an e- mail group for a project and no longer need the group when the project is complete. It's easy to delete entries from the personal address book.
(a) Click on the Entryin the address book that you want to delete. It will be selected.
(b) Click on Delete button. A confirmation message will appear.
(c) Click on Yes. The entry will be permanently deleted or Click on NO. The deletion will be cancel.
6. Sending Mail Messages.
(a) Once you’ve written the message, addressed it to the appropriate people, and set all the available options; you are now ready to send your message to the recipients.
(b) Click the send button on the message toolbar to send the message.
(c) If you are connected to the INTERNET, the Outlook Express sends the message immediately, or prompts in future about mails to be send. To move the message out of the Outboxand into the Internet or local mail server.
(d) Choose Tools > Sendfrom the Outlook menu to send, but not Receive, messages from your mail server.
(e) Choose Tools > send and receive > All Accounts (or a specific account) to both send and receive messages.
(f) Choose Tools > Sendand Receive and then point to a specific account to send a receive messages from only one mail service.
7. Adding Signatures.
From the main Microsoft Outlook window, on the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Mail Format tab.
(a) Under Signature, click Signatures Picker, and then click New.
(b) In the Enter a name for your new signature box, enter a name.
(c) Under Choose how to create your signature, select the option you want.
(d) Click Next.
(e) In the Signature text box, type the text you want to include in the signature.
(f) Click on Finish.
(g) Click on OK in Signature Picker dialog box.
(h) Click on Applyand then OK button.
Tips :
(a) To use different Signaturefor different accounts, in the Signature area, select the Signature, click the Advanced button, and then select the account you want to use the Signature with.
(b) To use a SIGNATURE on individual messages only, make sure to clear the Add Signature to all outgoing messages check box. When you compose the message, click the Insert menu, point to Signature, and then click the Signature you want.
8. Mail Delivery Receipts. You’ll still be able to keep track of Outlook’s progress, even with the dialog box hidden. Check the right side of the status bar to see reports as Outlook sends and receives your messages. If you need to cancel message receiptor delivery, click the arrow at the right end of the status bar and choose Cancel Mail Delivery from the menu.
(a) To be notified about all messages :-
(i) On the Tools menu, click Options.
(ii) Click E-mail Options.
(iii) Click Tracking Options.
(iv) Select the Read receipt or the Delivery receipt check box.
(b) To be notified about a single message.
(i) In the message, click Options.
(ii) Under Voting and tracking options, select the Request a delivery receipt for this message or the Request a read receipt for this message check box.
9. Managing Tasks. If you are a list keeper, you will find that Outlook takes the TO Do list to new dimension by adding to track progress, assign tasks to other people, set reminders for tasks, schedule time to complete tasks, and evaluate the progress you are making. Even if making lists it is your favourite past time. It is hard to ignore the power of Outlook's Task module. When you combine tasks with the flexibility and organization of Outlook's calendar.
The following are the ways by which you can manage your tasks:-
(a) Create Tasks.
(b) Setting Reminders
(c) Setting Priorities.
(d) Updating Task Status.
(e) Recurring Tasks.
(f) Assign Task to a Contact.
(g) Viewing Tasks.
10. Working With Tasks.
(a) Creating a task can be as simple as typing the name of the task and the due date, or you can choose to enter more detailed information about the task.
(b) To create a new task, On the File menu, point to New, and then click task.
(c) The default view in Tasks is the Simple List view. The view has fourcolumns:-
(i) Icon The icon in this column changes, if a task is assigned to some one else.
(ii) Complete A simple check box indication, if the task has been
(iii) Subject A descriptive name for the task.
(iv) Due date The date you expect or need to complete the task.
(d) You can enter a task directly into the information viewer by clicking in the Click Here to Add a New Task text box.
(e) The rowturns blue and the box that is active for editing is white.
(f) Type the subject in the subject field. Press tab to move to the due date field (shift + tab will move you back to subject).
(g) The text box will turn white. Because Outlook recognizes natural language dates using its Auto Date feature, just about anything you type into the field that remotely resembles a date will be converted into a standard date format.
11. Working With Status Reports.
(a) When you enter a task, Outlook assumes you haven’t started working on it yet. To help you manage your tasks and assess the status of projects, you have four other status options in addition to Not started available to you.
(b) Click the status drop-down arrow of the task page of the Taskform to open the list of choices:-
(i) In progress. If a task is in progress, you might also want to indicate the; percentage that is complete in the % completetext box. Use the spin box to change the percentage, or type in the actual percentage directly in the box.
(ii) Completed. In addition to marking a task complete, there are some additional fields on the details page that you might also want to complete.
(iii) Waiting On someone Else. It’s helpful to set a reminder to yourself to call this person if you don’t hear from them in a reasonable amount of time.
(iv) Deferred. You may want to change the start and end dates so this task doesn’t show up on your list of active tasks.
12. Need For Recording Activities.
(a) Outlook’s Journal module is to activities what contacts are to people. Use Journalto record the dates and times of your interactions with contacts, such as tracking hours spent on a particular account.
(b) The journal is the place in Outlook where you can keep a running history of your daily activities.
(c) Using the journal, you can automatically record e-mail messages to a contact or manually record information during a phone call or after a meeting with the contact.
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