Wednesday 11 May 2016

How to Setting Dial Up Connection For Access to RAS and Internet step by step

Checking To See If RAS Is Installed
(a) Using the [Start] menu, select [Settings] and choose [Control Panel].
(b) Open [Network].
(c) Choose the [Services] tab.
(d Look to see if [Remote Access Service] is in the [Network Services] box.
Note- If Remote Access is in the [Network Services] box, jump to Part 1.

1. Configuring RAS.
(a) If you do not see [Remote Access Service], select the [Add] button
(b) Scroll down to [Remote Access Service],
(c) Highlight it and Click [Ok]
(d) The next window will ask for your Windows NT disk4. Insert the Windows NT disk, and select [Continue]
(e) A window will ask you to add/choose a [RAS Capable Device]
(f) Select your modem, and click [Ok]
(g) Under the [Remote Access Setup] window, select [Configure]
(h) Under [Port Usage] select [Dial out only], then Click [Ok]
(i) Click [Network], make sure [TCP/IP] is the only protocol selected
(j) Choose [Ok], click [Continue], Note. Windows NT will update your[Bindings Configuration], and then prompt you to reboot your computer. You Must Reboot your computer NOW! Select [Yes] to reboot your computer.

2. Configuring Your Transmission Entry.
(a) Under the [Dial-Up Networking] window, select your "Transmission" entry
(b) Then click [More], and select [Edit entry and modem properties]
(c) Select the [Server] tab, make sure [TCP/IP] is the selected protocol
(d) UNCHECK [Enable software compression] and leave the rest of the settings at default
(e) The [TCP/IP Settings] button
(f) Choose sure to select both :-
(i) [Server assigned IP address]
(ii) [Specify name server addresses]
(g) Check and Edit the following entries:-
(i) [Primary DNS] - ""
(ii) [Secondary DNS] - ""
(h) UNCHECK the [Use IP header compression] box
(j) Leave the rest of the settings at default, and click [Ok]
(k) Choose on the [Script] tab and make sure [After Dialing (login)] is set to [None]
(l) Choose the [Security] tab and make sure that [Accept any authentication including clear text] is turned on
(m) Click [Ok] to finish

3. Logging On to Transmission.
(a) Open [My Computer].
(b) Open [Dial-Up Networking].
(c) Highlight the "Transmission" entry and click [Dial].
(d) Enter your username.
(e) Enter your password.
(f) Under the [Domain] entry, make sure the field is left blank! NOTE: If the Domain] field is not blank, you will not be able to connect to Transmission
(g) Click [Connect]NOTE: (Steps 4 & 5) your password is case sensitive, as well as your username, and your username should contain only lower case letters.

4. Disconnecting From Transmission.
(a) Double-click on the Phone Icon (in the lower right hand side of the [Start] bar)

(b) Then click the [Hang Up] button and choose your Transmission connection

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