Monday 18 April 2016


1.         Creating Recipient Containers.

(a)        Mailboxes. A mailbox is a storage location on a Microsoft exchange server that, along with a client program, allows information to be sent, received and organized. E-mail messages, forms and file attachments are some of the typical types of information that can be sent to and stored in a mail box.

(b)        Distribution list (DL). A distribution list is a grouping of recipients. A single DL can represent a number of other recipients. Using DLs makes mass mailing easy. A message sent to a DL can be ready by all the members of that DL.

(c)        Custom recipients. A custom recipient is an e-mail address to a non –exchange e-mail user. By using custom recipients, exchange users can see a directory listing of non-exchange mail users and send them messages (The necessary connector components and other software must be in place.)

(d)       Public folders. A public folder is like a public mailbox. It is a container for information to be shared among a group of people. Public folders can contain e-mail messages, forms, word processing documents, spreadsheet files and files of many other formats. Public folders can also be configured to send information to other recipients.

2.         Creating Mailboxes.              The vast majority, if not all, of your users are going to need a mailbox. Mailboxes must be created before any exchange client software can be used. The following programs can be used to create and configure a mailbox :-

            (a)   Microsoft Exchange Administrator program
            (b)   Microsoft Windows NT User Manager for Domains program
            (c)   Microsoft exchange extracts and import tools

3.         Creating Mailboxes using Win NT User Manager for Domain.

(a)        Start the User Manager for Domains program by clicking on Start >Programs> Administrative Tools > User Manager for domains.

(b)        While in User Manager for Domains, click on User > New User. The New User dialog box will appear, giving you the ability to input the information you want associated with this new user.

(c)        While in User manager for Domains, click on User > New User. The New User dialog box will appear, giving you’re the ability to input the information you want associated with this new user.

(d)       The only field that requires information is the Username field. Enter the name John A. In the Full Name field, enter the name John Adams. Enter any other information you would like in any of the other fields

(e)        Click Add. The next dialog box you will see will be labeled “John A properties.” This is the exchange properties page for a mailbox for the user John A.

(f)        Enter John in the First name field and Adams in the Last name field. Notice the Primary Windows NT Account that will be associated with this mailbox, John A. Enter any other information you would like in any of the other fields or property taps.

(g)        Click OK. You will then be taken back to User Manager for Domains for the creation of any additional user accounts. In preparation for future exercises, create two additional users called Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Using the same naming conventions (Thomas and James M), create mailboxes for both users. When you are finished click Close.

(h)   Go to the Microsoft exchange Administrator program and examine the John A mailbox.

4.         Creating Mailboxes Using Administrator Program.

(a)        Highlight the Recipients container in the left pane.

(b)        Select file menu > New mailbox. A properties window will appear with a number of property tabs relating to a mailbox.

(c)        On the property tab that is open, the General tab, locate the name area of the page and enter the name George in the First field. In the Last field enter the name Washington. Notice that the Display field and the Alias field are automatically completed.

(d)       You may enter information into the Address fields (such as City : Mount Vernon and State : Virginia) and into the Title field (such as President).

(e)        Click the Primary Windows NT Account button. A window labeled “Primary Windows NT Account” will appear. Two radio buttons will be on this window. Select the second radio button, labeled “Create a New Windows NT Account”. Then click OK. Another dialog box, labeled “Create Windows NT Account”, will appear. Select the NT domain in which you want to create this new account. Then, if you like, you may edit the Account Name that has been generated automatically for you (which in this case is GeorgeW). When you are finished, click OK. A dialog box labeled “Microsoft exchange Administrator” will appear stating “The password for the Windows NT Account you just created was given a blank password. The user will be required to change the password upon first logon.” After reading the message, click OK.

(f)        You may click on the Organization tab and the Phone/Notes tab. Feel free to enter any information you like.

(g)        Click on the Permissions tab to view the accounts that have permissions to this mailbox. You will see that your site service account has inherited the role of Service Account Admin. and the George W has the permissions associated with the User role.

(h)        Click on the E-mail Address tab to view the non – exchange address that the System Attendant automatically generates for each exchange recipient.

5.         Creating Mailboxes Using Extract and Import.

                        (a)        Extract  

(i)         While in the Microsoft exchange Administrator program, click on tools > Extract Windows NT Account List. Windows NT User Extraction screen will appear.

(ii)   Choose the domain and domain controller from which you want to extract user accounts.

(iii)   Click OK. The extraction will now take place. If it is successful, you will see an information dialog box labeled “NT User Extractor Complete” and stating “Extraction of Windows NT user account information to the file C:\exchsrvr\bin\exercise.csv is complete. No errors were encountered.” Click OK

(iv)   Click Browse. In the File name field, you must enter a file name for the information that will be extracted. Choose the file name exercise. CSV.  Click Save.

(b)        Import  

(i)   While in the Microsoft exchange Administrator program, click on Tools > Directory import. The Directory import dialog box will appear.

(ii)   Choose the domain that you chose in Extracting User Information in Preparation for Creating a Mailbox.

(iii)   Click import File. This will enable you to choose the extraction file that has the information you want to import. Choose the exercise. CSV file and the click Open.

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