Thursday 12 May 2016

How to Configuring Network Setting For TCP/IP Services

TCP/IP is the protocol of the Internet and the most versatile protocol that Windows NT supports. It can be manually configured or automatically configured using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). Some applications require TCP/IP (such as Netscape), and it is routable, making it appropriate for networks of any size. To Install TCP/IP Protocol

(a) Click on Start >Settings > Control Panel.
(b) In the Control Panel dialog box double-click Network icon. The Network properties window Appears.
(c) Under the Protocols tab click on Add button to install new protocols.
(d) In the select network protocols list select TCP/IP and then click OK.
(e) The next dialog box prompts you to enter the path for the Windows NT installation files. Type F:\i386 and then click Continue.
(f) Windows will start copying files to the system.
(g) Then TCP/IP Properties dialog box appears, asking you to enter the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.

(h) You can select the option obtain an IP address automatically, if you have a DHCP server installed in your network.

How to configure the TCP/IP

Configuring TCP/IP.

(a) Double-click on [My Computer]
(b) Double-click [Dial-Up Networking]
(c) A [Dial-Up Networking] window will appear; choose [Ok] to add an entry
(d) Enter "Transmission" for the [Name of the new phonebook entry]
(e) Click [Next]
(f) Check ALL of the following boxes under the [Server] window: [I am calling the Internet] [Send my plain text password] [The non-Windows NT server I am calling expects]
(g) Click [Next]
(h) Enter in the Transmission dial-up number for your area in the [Phone Number] entry field (e.g., 990-0900 - Salt Lake City)
(j) Click [Next]
(k) Select [Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)] under the [Serial Line Protocol] window, then choose [Next]
(l) Select [None] under the [Logon Script] window, the click [Next]
(m) Under the [IP Address] window leave [My IP address] at “" (unless Transmission Technical support instructed you to do otherwise), then click [Next]
(n) Under [DNS server] enter "" and leave [WINS Server] at the  default of ""
(o) Click [Next], then click [Finish]
(i) Hub to Hub Connectivity.

(ii) Hub to Transceiver or DNI Card Connectivity.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

How to Setting Dial Up Connection For Access to RAS and Internet step by step

Checking To See If RAS Is Installed
(a) Using the [Start] menu, select [Settings] and choose [Control Panel].
(b) Open [Network].
(c) Choose the [Services] tab.
(d Look to see if [Remote Access Service] is in the [Network Services] box.
Note- If Remote Access is in the [Network Services] box, jump to Part 1.

1. Configuring RAS.
(a) If you do not see [Remote Access Service], select the [Add] button
(b) Scroll down to [Remote Access Service],
(c) Highlight it and Click [Ok]
(d) The next window will ask for your Windows NT disk4. Insert the Windows NT disk, and select [Continue]
(e) A window will ask you to add/choose a [RAS Capable Device]
(f) Select your modem, and click [Ok]
(g) Under the [Remote Access Setup] window, select [Configure]
(h) Under [Port Usage] select [Dial out only], then Click [Ok]
(i) Click [Network], make sure [TCP/IP] is the only protocol selected
(j) Choose [Ok], click [Continue], Note. Windows NT will update your[Bindings Configuration], and then prompt you to reboot your computer. You Must Reboot your computer NOW! Select [Yes] to reboot your computer.

2. Configuring Your Transmission Entry.
(a) Under the [Dial-Up Networking] window, select your "Transmission" entry
(b) Then click [More], and select [Edit entry and modem properties]
(c) Select the [Server] tab, make sure [TCP/IP] is the selected protocol
(d) UNCHECK [Enable software compression] and leave the rest of the settings at default
(e) The [TCP/IP Settings] button
(f) Choose sure to select both :-
(i) [Server assigned IP address]
(ii) [Specify name server addresses]
(g) Check and Edit the following entries:-
(i) [Primary DNS] - ""
(ii) [Secondary DNS] - ""
(h) UNCHECK the [Use IP header compression] box
(j) Leave the rest of the settings at default, and click [Ok]
(k) Choose on the [Script] tab and make sure [After Dialing (login)] is set to [None]
(l) Choose the [Security] tab and make sure that [Accept any authentication including clear text] is turned on
(m) Click [Ok] to finish

3. Logging On to Transmission.
(a) Open [My Computer].
(b) Open [Dial-Up Networking].
(c) Highlight the "Transmission" entry and click [Dial].
(d) Enter your username.
(e) Enter your password.
(f) Under the [Domain] entry, make sure the field is left blank! NOTE: If the Domain] field is not blank, you will not be able to connect to Transmission
(g) Click [Connect]NOTE: (Steps 4 & 5) your password is case sensitive, as well as your username, and your username should contain only lower case letters.

4. Disconnecting From Transmission.
(a) Double-click on the Phone Icon (in the lower right hand side of the [Start] bar)

(b) Then click the [Hang Up] button and choose your Transmission connection